Hi there,
Welcome to my “living room.” One of the things I love to do is welcome people in my home. It is where I am most comfortable and gives one an intimate view of my family. Sometimes that view is good and sometimes it is hard to experience but we always try to keep it authentic. We love to share meals and family stories.

We are a family of 10. I have been married 24 years to the love of my life. He is a hardworking, patient, and faithful man who is energized by family life and time outdoors. We met in college and have followed Christ’s will for our lives ever since. We have 7 biological children and 1 adopted. Two of our children are in wheelchairs with a condition called arthrogryposis and two others have special needs; though I think we all have a special need or two if we look carefully enough.
Being a mom of 8 is honestly brings lots of joy and is also extremely humbling. There are times my eyes are so filled with tears from laughter and there are times that are so hard they bring me to my knees. But it is in those moments that I know I am doing what I was created to do because bringing me to my knees is where I want to be before Our Lord. Always.
I live my life each day emptying my tank of energy (it takes a lot to run this ship!), always filled, however, by the laughter, love and people that fill my home. It is truly a blessing to live the life I have been given. I live in the knowledge that God’s grace floods my days with purpose.
I am glad you stopped by to read my journey. Writing is a way for me to remind myself of lessons learned, experiences shared, and to share a virtual cup of tea with those who stop by.