Feeling overwhelmed? Water your roots

Feeling overwhelmed? Water your roots

Spring is in the air and I am itching to do all the things: wash the windows, declutter the house, plant the garden, mulch. I am pondering where to start. Is it my cabinets? They certainly have platters and mixers and crock pots and bowls all ever so neatly and gently...
How we interpret words really does matter

How we interpret words really does matter

There is a line in a song from the Broadway musical Wicked where one of the main characters, Elphaba, says, “Something has changed within me. Something is not the same. I’m through with playing by the rules of someone’s else’s game.” This stanza is playing on repeat...
Finding rest in the everyday

Finding rest in the everyday

What is rest? My husband asked me the other day as we unloaded dishwashers and made the coffee early in the morning. Our to-do lists that day were longer than the hours available to complete half of the tasks listed and my text messages were incoming with more...