MaryBeth Eberhard
Catholic wife and mother of eight,
who loves our Lord, our Mother Mary,
and sharing prayers and thoughts on these pages.
Be Thankful for how Much You Really are in God’s Eyes
Have you ever sat down and thought about how much you really matter? It’s the time of year when resolutions are made, and we all think about what changes we will make going forward. Planners are bought. Checklists are made. Goals are set. We will do more, be more,...
Practicing the Art of the Pause
stood at the bottom of my stairs the other day for a good five minutes waiting for a child to actually come to the car. This may not seem egregious, but when I was told a couple of times earlier that they would be right down, my perspective was that that meant right now. How parental of me.
Book Boyfriends, Hallmark Movies, and Bingo, Oh My!
It’s that season, my friends! The season of fireside reading, movie marathons, and endless rounds of family Bingo. As the temperatures drops and the winds begin to blow outside, my heart does a little pitter patter as I harvest my books like a squirrel gathers acorns,...
Other places you’ll find me
Catholic Mom
Holy Cross Family Ministries
The Catholic Times
Diocese of Columbus
National Catholic Register
Service of EWTN News
St. Gabriel Catholic Radio
Radio Station in Columbus, Ohio
Blessed is She
A sisterhood of women who desire two things: prayer & community.
Women in the New Evangelization