Last night I found myself in a hip-hop class. As I shimmied and shook my way through class, I wondered if this was worth it, and as I looked over at the girl next to me for inspiration, I thought how surely it was.
Worth the sacrifice
Awhile back, this daughter had words spoken to her that changed her perspective of herself. As mothers, we are watchful shepherds and when I began to see the effects of these words play out in real life, I prayed into how I might respond. Girls today face so many challenges to their self-image that we must tread carefully as we walk alongside them.
Hence hip-hop class, and the many new and flavorful dishes that exist in my kitchen thanks to Operation Invitation to Cook. Though my grocery and entertainment budgets have increased, the peace and joy that has come with seeing that this was the right response from prayer is far greater.
Invest wisely in helping them know their worth
Knowing our children is key to helping them feel loved and supported. This particular daughter of mine loves to dance. It is how she expresses herself when sad, angry, or happy. Many a night I am given a front-row seat to one of the latest dances she has learned, and I am so grateful. I love every moment.
Operation Invitation to Cook came from knowing my daughter’s desire to care for others. I shared that it is was a goal for me to eat a more balanced set of meals but that I love fresh foods and want to add more movement into my weekly routine. I thought learning to cook some new recipes together and taking an exercise class that spoke her language — and perhaps a bit of the younger me — might be a good fit. She knows I believe that God made food to nourish, bless, and heal us and so we researched new foods and worked together.
So far, we have tried overnight oats, quinoa salads, and some really good soups. I have made some protein-rich meals for myself and she has become a master of creamy delicious sauces. Soon she will overtake me in the kitchen, and I will remember these moments with an aching fondness, so I am basking in this time together. I am so grateful that God is taking what was a wound and healing it through relationship and time together.
Bring it to Prayer
When words are spoken that hurt our hearts or our children’s hearts, it is easy to become irate or indignant and respond with that same emotion. Trust me, as a momma bear, I felt all those quick emotions. But there was such a moment of grace in this situation because a wave of charity and mercy came over me for the person who spoke those words. I am a mother to eight kids. I too have said the wrong words before, many times, and those words have hurt others without that being my intent. I would want the same grace extended to me, and thanks be to God it has.
Sometimes we make the right decisions as mothers. We need to celebrate them and share them so we can learn together. In this situation, I think I chose wisely. Not only do I have a daughter who knows her value, but I have cultivated a relationship with this daughter that will stand the test of many challenges because we have invested in the gift of time — and oh, how grateful am I for this gift.
Perhaps the next time our children face a hard challenge, and our first response is a rise to quick anger, take a moment to settle your heart and invite Jesus into the moment. What would you speak into this situation, Lord? How would you bring healing? How might I love through this? How might I bring healing?
I have found that taking a breath (or five) before I rush to action in defense of the one I love helps me to act more closely to who I want to be, who the Lord is asking me to be. This is the example I want to be to others and especially to my children of what it means to love like Jesus.
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