Behold How They Love One Another

Behold How They Love One Another

Image credit: (2013), CC0/PD Early Christians were made recognizable by their actions. Aristedes, sent by Emperor Hadrian during the days of the early Church to scope out those known as “Christians,” gave a report and these ending words have...


It’s been almost 72 hours since I dropped him off at the airport and we are all still alive. Survival is necessary. Patience is prudent and a good dose of humility never hurts the cause! I made myself a goal of keeping my patience this time around. As much as I miss...
More Love

More Love

Published in the Catholic Times, October, 6th 2019 We didn’t expect for it to end up this way. Twenty-two years, eight children, and a life lived so deeply that the everyday beauty and suffering of it is at times both blinding and brilliant. We met as college...
Road to Emmaus

Road to Emmaus

“Were not our hearts burning within us while he talked with us on the road and opened the Scriptures to us?” Luke 24: 13-35 I was in the grocery store today, and I saw a woman with a baby in a sling and 5 or so kids with a  cart near her. I...