A Shield of Faith

A Shield of Faith

Last night a little one hopped on to my bed as I took a late-night meeting. She waited patiently because she needed to talk with me. Quietly she whispered that her heart was hurting and that she needed my help. I nodded, tucked her in close, and continued my call,...
Examining Our Hearts

Examining Our Hearts

I am in a season of going back to the basics of my faith in many ways and in doing so I am reminding myself to teach them to my younger kids. With four young adult children and four younger children, it’s easy to lose track of what has been taught to whom and when....
The Mass Struggle

The Mass Struggle

Pondering our need to model both good behavior at Mass and a good attitude about attending Mass for our children. Do you have a child who hates going to Mass on Sunday? Do you dread sounding the “One hour till we leave for Mass alarm” because of the grumbling? Is...